Accreditation, auditing and risk management needs of organizations thru web-based technology.


Get rid of the manila folders, labels, spreadsheets and binders. Welcome to a new way of managing accreditation!

Various organizations rely on Accreditation within their profession to recognize that they meet the established national or regional standards and guidelines of the accrediting body. While the accreditation process can bring significant benefits to an organization, the process can be very complex, overwhelming and costly to achieve and maintain. Gathering policies, procedures, and proof of documentation from various internal staff is often difficult to track and organize. Manila folders get lost or overlooked; one binder after another gets placed into a box and a few reams of paper are required to produce copies – for the inspection team and backup. Then comes boxes, storage costs, shipping and mail expenses that add up quickly. This is taxing on accreditation managers and those that oversee the accreditation process. Many of them worry that something might have been misplaced or documentation overlooked only to realize it too late.

For the inspectors, it isn’t easy either. They are often barricaded into a small room or closet reviewing binder after binder, folder after folder. Notes must be transcribed from a scratchpad or clipboard to a report, often taking time that would be much better spent onsite or eliminated entirely to make the process shorter and simplified. When something is missing or a question comes up, it can be difficult to track down the author of the documentation and corrective action can be dragged out unnecessarily.

There has to be a better way, and there is!

Accreditation, Audit and Risk Management Security (AARMS) utilizes an internet-based platform designed specifically to manage the unique aspects of the accreditation process for internal users, administrators and external inspectors. It has saved organizations and accreditation bodies hundreds of thousands of dollars in time and expenses. Organizations can enter, conduct, track, monitor, supervise and control the entire accreditation process from start to finish with a user-friendly online system.

Primary features in the system specific to the accreditation process include:
• Flexible and customizable platform to accommodate variances in accreditation types, such as mandatory/optional standards, cycles and terminology
• Standards can be updated and distributed immediately
• All action and work flow including the initial pre-audit documentation, onsite inspection, corrective action, follow up and reports/charts
• Track progress of pre-audit, onsite and corrective action using system dashboards, filtered reports and charts specific to the users and organization
• Unlimited users assigned rights and roles to determine access levels (internal, accreditation manager, administrators, external inspectors)
• Administrative interface with a message board
• Standards can be assigned users, due dates with built in email functionality and tracking
• Auto-comments, comments for faster and trackable documentation for users and inspectors
• Date-stamp-time feature for easy documentation and increased accountability

If you have any questions regarding AARMS please feel free to Contact Us.


Accreditation, Audit & Risk Management Security (AARMS) was founded in 2007 to provide government agencies and organizations in high liability professions a comprehensive, affordable, state-of-the-art online system to manage audits, inspection and corrective action. With a simple focus on accountability and documentation, it was originally designed for the corrections sector, perhaps one of the most litigious areas of government, and has spread to county and state governments, private institutions, accreditation bodies and associations for use in managing audits, inspections, internal reviews, numerous accreditation processes, policy and procedure revisions and internal training documentation. It is currently being used across 19 states with more scheduled in the future.

More Info

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Accreditation, Audit & Risk Management Security, LLC.

Contact Details
Address: PO Box 1115, Midway, UT 84049
Telephone: (801) 810-5245
Facsimile: (801) 926-1131